Curriculum Vitae

Personal info

NameCornelis Doede de Kroon
Date of birth24 februari 1974
Marital statusMarried
LanguagesDutch (first language), Frysian (second language taal), English (C1)
RegistrationsMedical Doctor (Feb 1st 2000), PhD (Jun 16th 2004), Gynaecologist (Oct 1st 2008, renewed 2013 and 2018), Gynaecological Oncologist (Dec 1st 2010, renewed 2015, 2020
ProfileA critical, hardworking team-player who wants the best for others and tries to put shared aims first and an advocate of evidence based practice using ‘first do no harm’ as main motto.

Working experience

sept 2020 – nowCoordinator surgical admissions, LUMC, Leiden
sept 2019 – nowChairman tumour workgroup gynaecology, LUMC, Leiden
dec 2017 – nowChief of Gynaecological Oncology unit, LUMC, Leiden
jun 2017 – nowCo-chair RO West working party gynaecological oncology
jun 2014 – dec 2017Coordinator LSO, bachelor medicine, LUMC, Leiden
nov 2011 – feb 2012Honorary fellow, RWH Melbourne, Australia
jun 2011 – dec 2018Head of Clinic, dept gynaecology, LUMC, Leiden
dec 2010 – nowGynaecological oncologist,  LUMC, Leiden
dec 2008 – nov 2010Fellow gynaecological oncologist, LUMC, Leiden
april 2001- sept 2008PhD student, Resident in gynaecology, Leiden Region

Education / Training

2020 – nowMaster Quality and Patient Safety, Radboud University
2015BKO (Qualified University Teacher)
2014/2018/2022BROK (Qualified clinical researcher)
2013-2014Key to Leadership program LUMC
2008-2010Fellowship gynaecological oncology
2003-2008Resident gynaecology
1992-1999Medicine, Rijks Universiteit Groningen
1997Psychology and Philosophy, Rijks Universiteit Groningen
1986-1992VWO, Slauerhoff College, Leeuwarden


Since completion of PhD involved in numerous research project in the LUMC. Co-initiator of the Female Cancer Center Leiden, the research collaboration in gynaecological oncology in the LUMC.

  • Co-promotor MDJM van Gent: Tailored therapy in endometrial and cervical cancer’ (20/7/17)
  • Co-promotor E Hoekman: ‘Fertility preservation prior to gonadotoxic treatment’ (9/1/20)
  • Initiator MM de Jonge: ‘Exploring the role of HRD and BRCA1/2 mutations in EC’ (28/9/21)
  • Co-promotor E Oymans: ‘Impact of COVID19 on gynaecological oncology (scheduled 2024)
  • Co-promotor A Koch: ‘OviDETCT: liquid biopsies in ovarian cancer (scheduled 2024)
2020 – now‘Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on treatment and outcome of gynaecological cancer in the Netherlands’
co-PI collaboration between IKNL, NVvP and NVOG.
2020 – now‘Alertness: up to date guidelines through multimodal signaling’
PI of collaboration between IKNL, NCCN and NVOG
2019 – now‘OviDetect’ co-PI in collaboration with NKI-AvL and Catharina Hospital with regard to evaluate novel biomarkers in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer.
2016 – now‘Tumoroids in gynaecological oncology’
Collaboration between depts of Pathology, Genetics, Medical Oncology and Vitroscan to culture tumoroids out of gynaecological cancer tissue.
2016 – now‘BRCA bij endometriumcarcinoom’
Collaboration between depts of Pathology and Genetics to investigate endometrial cancer in the context of gBRCA mutations.
2014 – now‘SHAPE-study’
Coordinator of the Dutch participation in the  NCIC / GCIG coordinated SHAPE study I low-risk cervical cancer.
2001 – 2003Diagnostic accuracy of gynaecological ultrasound’
PhD thesis, promotoren: Prof. JB Trimbos, Dr. FW Jansen.


List of publications available upon request.

84 citations in Pubmed on September 1st, 2022.

90 documents, 2525 citations, h-index 28 in Scopus on September 1st 2022.

Grants and awards

2019Betty Bos Olijf prize (Awarded for excellent patient advocacy)
2019Boerhaave Pluim (for excellent teacher in EBM course)
2020Applicant ‘Alertness’ (ZonMW, €250.00)
2019Co-applicant ‘Ovidetect’ (KWF, €600.000)
2019Co-applicant ‘bio-medical imaging’ (Zabawas, €60.000)
2018Project member ‘Dutch Archepelago Ovarian Cancer’ (KWF, €1,3 milj)
2017Co-applicant DOMEC-study (Astra Zeneca) (study medication)
2017Co-applicant Zabawas, bio-medical imaging (€40.000)
2016Co-applicant PhD LUMC research profiles (€ 200.000)
2014Applicant SHAPE study (KWF, € 150.000)


Frequent presenter at (inter)national conferences/meetings, full list available upon request.


2020-nowTalkshow host ‘LUMC-live’, LUMC
2019-nowChair multidisciplinary guideline committee Gynaecological Oncology
2018-nowMember editorial boardNederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie (NTvO) (‘Stel je vraag aan…’)
2018-nowChair guideline committee ‘Endometrial cancer’
2018-nowMember guideline committee ‘Ovarian cancer’
2017-nowColumn Olijfschrift, magazine patient association
2017-nowMember committee quality visitation NVOG
2009-nowChair organizing committeeCOBRAdagen
2009-nowChair COBRA-alpha cursus
2009-nowTrainer Teach the Teacher plus traject LUMC
2005-2007Board member NVOG
2005-2007Chair VAGO (Vereniging AIOS Gynaecologie en Obstetrie)


2018HIPEC-course (ESSO, Hamburg)
2016Advanced endoscopy in gynaecological oncology, IRCAD, Straatsburg
2015Masterclass endometrial cancer, Maastricht
2012LEAN for medical doctors (Manchester)
2011Statistics for MD’s, IKNL, Amsterdam
2009Leipzig School Radical Pelvic Surgery, Leipzig, Duitsland
2008Robotic Surgery in Gynaecology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale AZ, USA
2008Advanced Suture Course, AMC, Amsterdam
2008Masterclass Gynaecology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
2007Endoscopy in Gynaecological Oncology, IRCAD, Straatsburg
2006WOG-course ‘Gynaecological Oncology’
2006Boerhaave Course: ‘Teach the Clinical Teacher’
2002Boerhaave Course Medical Decision making, Leiden.


  • Nederlands Vereniging voor Obstetrie en Gynaecologie (NVOG)
  • Werkgroep Oncologische Gynaecologie van de NVOG
  • Werkgroep Gynaecologische Endoscopie van de NVOG
  • Werkgroep Infectieziekten van de NVOG
  • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medisch Onderwijs
  • International Gynaecological Cancer Society
  • European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy
  • Association for Medical Education Europe
  • Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Geneeskunst
  • Volkskrant en NRC

Leisure activities

  • sailing
  • alpine skiing
  • running
  • literature